Re-Membering Europa


Re-Membering Europa is a narrative essay on the founding myth of Europe.  


The essay is published in Immanence, the journal of applied mythology, in the issue devoted to 'Imagining Better Futures', 2016, and in a revised and expanded version in Deep Times, the journal of The Work that Reconnects, 2018.


Language: English



Is the European social model at risk?


Is the European social model at risk? 


EPC, European Policy Center, Bruxelles, 2002


Language: English

Towards a rethinking of the national systems of social protection?

Towards a rethinking of the national systems of social protection?

Observations on the recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice


Institute Notre Europe, Paris, 2000.


From Jacques Delors' preface:


"L'étude approfondi d'Alessandra Bosco a le grand mérite d'exposer les tensions entre intégration économique et protection sociale."


Languages: French, English, German

Social protection in the countries of the European Union and the Visegrad countries: a comparative perspective


Social protection in the countries of the European Union and the Visegrad countries: a comparative perspective


College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, 1994


Language: English

The financing of social protection in the countries of the European community


The financing of social protection in the countries of the European Community 


Luiss University, Roma, 1992


Language: Italian


The thesis was awarded the European Prize as the best essay of the Erasmus network on social protection promoted by the University of Leuven, Belgium 

Are mentioned here a sample of my writings on Europe

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